Bubble Eye Goldfish

 The Complete Care Guide Of Bubble Eye Goldfish


Bubble Eye Goldfish is a very unique and fancy looking fish. Bubble Eye Goldfish is freshwater fish specie.

Bubble Eye Goldfish is one of the most popular Goldfish because of its unique appearance. They are a member of famous “Fancy Goldfish” family. This specific species has a unique identifying feature that is their eye bubbles! Which catches attention of every fish lover.

Scientific name of Bubble Eye Goldfish

Carassius auratus

Bubble Eye Goldfish Size

Bubble Eye Goldfish can grow up to 3 to 4 inches in length.

Bubble Eye Goldfish price

You can purchase Bubble Eye Goldfish from Kolkata India for Rs 20

How long do bubble eye goldfish live for?

Bubble Eye Goldfish lifespan is about 10 to 15 years

Some aquarists even reported that Bubble Eye Goldfish can even live for over 20 years. If they are under no stress in your tank, so they will live longer in your tank. So you must consistently provide them with good, maintained diet, as well as good water conditions.

How fast do Bubble Eye Goldfish can grow?

Bubble Eye goldfish are quite distinguishable from other types of Goldfish. They have unique water-filled bubbles that develop when they are six to nine months old, they grow to a very large size by the time they reach two years of age.

Bubble Eye Goldfish Care

Bubble Eye Goldfish care is not easy for amateurs. Due to their fragile bubbles, they need a special environment in order to keep them safe. Also they need some strict water conditions to thrive. 

Bubble Eye Goldfish tank size

You must keep them in at least 10 gallon tank. But we suggest you to keep them in 20 gallons if its possible. But you must never keep them in small bowls. 

How many Bubble Eye goldfish can you keep in  10 gallon tank?

You can keep two in a 10 gallon tank. Two twisty-tail or Bubble Eye Goldfish are able to survive in a 10-gallon tank if you take proper care of them. 

Water Parameters

Similarly like other Goldfish, Bubble Eye Goldfish is a cold water fish. They don’t like to live in warm temperatures.

Bubble Eye Goldfish like relatively neutral water that is clean and well balanced. Also you must change the water regularly because Bubble Eye Goldfish are very sensitive to bad water conditions. You should also keep an effective filtration system for them.

Their Water temperature should be 65°F to 80°F. pH levels should be between 6.0 to 8.0 And water hardness has to be 5 to 19 dKH.

How can you differentiate between male bubble eye goldfish and female bubble eye goldfish

Female fish will have a slim body shape than the male fish. The white tubercles which appears on the male Bubble Eye Goldfish operculum and leading edges of their pectoral fins in the breeding season are the best indications of their gender.

Diseases that can occur in Bubble Eye Goldfish

Bubble Eye Goldfish are open to all diseases that can affect other freshwater fishes. They can get affected by disease like Ich, Swim Bladder Disease, Skin Flukes, and many more. 

Many of those disease are easily preventable by keeping your fish in good water conditions. If one of your Bubble Eye Goldfish experience symptoms of any disease, you must quarantine them for treatment and also to protect other fishes in your tank.

Bubble Eye Goldfish diet

Bubble Eye Goldfish are basically omnivores so they will most probably eat anything which you are feeding them. I suggest you to do sinking pellets instead of floating flakes, as Bubble Eye Goldfish are known to take in a lot of air when they are eating.

You can also provide daphnia, tubifex worms, or brine shrimp which are high in protein

 Bubble Eye Goldfish will take more time to eat  than other fishes because they are not powerful swimmers so they are not able to  gobble food up quickly like other fish.

Behaviour & Temperament of Bubble Eye Goldfish

Are Bubble Eye goldfish hard to take care of?

 Bubble Eye Goldfish are the most calm fish you can have in your tank. They get along really well with all other peaceful and non aggressive species. 

 Bubble Eye Goldfish will swim around the tank whole day in search for food. They’ll go to the base of the tank, swim through plants, explore their habitat and will swim freely in your tank.

Best Tank Mates for Bubble Eye Goldfish 

Finding good tank mates for Bubble Eye Goldfish can be difficult. Because first of all their eye sacs can be easily damaged by other aggressive fish or even fish species who are playful and active.

Secondly they are slow eaters so other fishes will eat the food quickly, leaving nothing for your Bubble Eye Goldfish. 

These are some good tank mates for Bubble Eye Goldfish

  • Telescope Goldfish
  • Celestial Goldfish
  • Black Moors

Breeding of Bubble Eye Goldfish

They are desperate to breed if they are in right conditions. Bubble Eye Goldfish can be bred in large groups, so you don't have to worry about distinguishing sex. 

Having a separate tank for breeding is always a great idea. Fill your tank with breeding mops so the eggs can stick to it. 

To start the process of spawning, the temperature of the breeding tank should be 60 degrees. Then, slowly warm it up to 3 degrees every day. At around 68 to 74 degrees, the bubble eye goldfish males will start chasing females around.

She will then rotate and will start releasing eggs. The male will rapidly fertilize them. 

After all of your fish have done spawning, remove them from their breeding tank. Eggs will hatch between 4 and 7 days. The baby fry will be dark brown in color, but they will change colour as they grow up.