Black phantom tetra

 Black phantom tetra characteristics, origin and care guide


Black phantom tetra fish is coming from northern Paraguay and central Brazil. Phantom tetra is a calm schooling fish and the best choice for community aquarium. Phantom tetra is a tiny freshwater fish from the characin family of order Characiformes. It is indigenous to the upper Madeira basin in Brazil and Bolivia.

Origin of black phantom fish

 Black phantom tetra is native in South America in Bolivia and also in areas of western Brazil. Phantom tetra is basically shoaling fish that likes to live in large groups. When they are in wild, they like to eat insects, worms, and crustaceans.

Habitat of phantom tetra

Phantom tetras are extremely popular among aquarists due to their red eyes, black body, and long beautiful fins. Phantom tetra are schooling fish, which means they will live happily if they are kept in groups of at least 5 or even more.

Black phantom tetra size

When Black phantom tetra are fully grown, they measure about 3 inches. Male fish can be slightly larger than females, but there is not much difference between them.

Are black phantom tetra hardy?

Black Phantom Tetra are super hardy. This unique attribute makes them quite popular amongst aquarium lovers. The fish is also super strong, which makes it best option for amateur aquarists. Phantom tetra also adapts to water changes quite quickly and can survive  easily within the community tanks.

 Phantom tetra tank size

The minimum suggested tank size for them is 10 gallons, 20 gallons or larger is ideal. Phantom tetra are shoaling fish, so an aquarium which has multiple compartments is required to house a group of 5 or more.

Phantom tetra tank mates

Phantom tetras are compatible with other calm species but they can be threatened by more truculent fish. Good tank mates for phantom tetra are Cardinal tetras, black neon tetras, harlequin etc 

How many black tetras should be kept together? 

It is recommended to keep at least 6 of phantom tetras together, with 8 being even more optimal for a smaller tank. 

Black phantom tetra breeding

Their eggs are transparent and they become opaque after the process of fertilization and should be removed as soon as they are visible. Ideally, they should hatch within 24 hours at 75°F. Eggs will develop rapidly if there is more than one male for every black phantom tetra female. 

Black phantom tetra care

 Black phantom tetra needs a tank of at least 30 gallons with good filtration system and high oxygenation. You must avoid under-gravel filters as they can cause eye and skin irritations in these fish. You should provide plenty of hiding places, like rocks or driftwood, so your phantom tetra can hide when they feel unsafe or threatened.

Black phantom tetra food

 Phantom tetra is basically an omnivorous fish and they will eat a variety of food which include brine shrimp, bloodworms and also plant matters such as algae wafers. These all food are rich in protein and will keep your fish healthy and happy.

Black phantom tetra lifespan

 Black phantom tetra average lifespan is about 5 to 7 years, which makes it a good pet for any aquarium lover.