Oranda Goldfish (Complete Guide)

 Oranda Goldfish requirements (All you need to know about Oranda goldfish)

Oranda goldfish is basically a fresh water specie and it comes from Cyprinidae family. 

They are a selective type of breeding goldfish.

Oranda goldfish is beautiful but not that difficult to look after. 

Now let me tell you where the name Oranda goldfish came from. The word Oranda is derived from the Chinese word for Dutch lion head and it basically refers to the unique and beautiful shape of the head of Oranda goldfish. But don't get confused with Lionhead goldfish. 

Due to years of breeding, Oranda goldfish have developed these caps on their head which is nothing except the series of growth on their head.

These caps on their head doesn't serve any functional purpose, they are just aesthetically pleasing to eyes. 

Scientific name of Oranda goldfish

Carassius auratus auratus is the scientific name of Oranda goldfish

Types of Oranda goldfish

  • Black oranda goldfish
  • Red cap oranda goldfish
  • Blue oranda goldfish

How long do Oranda goldfish live?

Oranda goldfish lifespan

If you take good care of your Oranda Goldfish, then they can have a lifespan of 15 years.If they are raised in a large pond which is even better, then oranda goldfish can have a lifespan of 20 years

Are Oranda goldfish easy to take care of?

Personally I don't recommended you to keep oranda goldfish if you are a beginners aquarist.

Oranda goldfish should definitely not be someone's first fish. But if you have at least few months of fish keeping experience, then you can keep oranda goldfish as your pet to get a more challenging experience.

Can Oranda goldfish live with other fish?

Oranda goldfish are extremely peaceful fish and they do really well with other goldfishes. They will not harm other fish in your tank. 

So you don't have to worry much about them.

How big do Oranda goldfish get?

They are able to grow up to 8 to 12 inches

Oranda goldfish can reach 20 to 31 centimeters which is basically 8 to 12 inches in length. In some situations their wen grows extremely big, and then they cover the eyes of oranda goldfish. Because of this, oranda goldfish might have limited eyesight or they can even become entirely blind. 

Are oranda goldfish aggressive?

Since their name means Lion head so you might they think they are aggressive but it's the most docile fish out there and oranda goldfish will not bother any other fish.

It does well in groups of its own kind but they do have a vociferous appetite. They will gobble up anything that they can fit in their mouth including smaller fish. 

Beside this oranda goldfish is not a risk for their tank mates. 

Oranda goldfish tank size and tank requirements 

Oranda goldfish are quite active they need plenty of space to swim. I recommend you to keep each oranda goldfish in atleast 20 gallons water. They also grow big and has life span of 15 years. 

Oranda goldfish love digging through substrate so you must be careful while choosing substrate that it is not sharp or else your oranda goldfish can get injured.

Other than that there are no specific requirements for tank setup. If you want to add any decor in the tank its totally up to you. 

Points to take care for Oranda Goldfish Tank setup

1- No sharp edges anywhere

2- Plenty of open space

Ideal water parameters for Oranda goldfish

Oranda goldfish temperature 

Oranda goldfish are fairly hardy but if you want them to be happy in your tank then you must maintain the tank conditions between a certain range. Oranda goldfish doesn't like low temperatures at all. The temperature must be maintained between 68 degree Fahrenheit to 71.5 degreen Fahrenheit

Water hardness in their tank must be between 6-18°dH and the pH should be as close to neutral as possible even though oranda goldfish can easily tolerate slightly acidic or alkaline water.

Tankmates for Oranda goldfish

Ideal tankmates for Oranda goldfish are other goldfish. Beside that Cyprinid fish or catfish are also good tank mates for Oranda goldfish.

What is the best food for Oranda?

If you are thinking What is the best food to feed Oranda goldfish then let me help you with this!

Oranda gold fish like to eat live foods and they like a high protein diet. So you should feed them with bloodworms, tubifex worms, brine shrimp etc. These foods will be a great source of protein for your Oranda goldfish.

Fun facts about oranda goldfish

  • Oranda gold fish is the most popular amongst all goldfishes
  • Chinese refer to this fish as "Flower of the water"
  • Oranda goldfish can have metallic or even matte scales and they are available in a wide variety of colours