Double Tail Betta Fish

Double Tail Betta Fish: Care Guide, All you need to know about Double Tail Betta Fish


Double tail betta fish or twin tail betta fish has a very unique nature like their caudal fins are shaped in two separate tails instead of one entirely full fin. 

Double tail betta fish is a sublime fish with specific care requirements. 

Are Double-Tail Bettas Rare?

Yes and also No. There are fewer double-tail bettas in the world because fry can find difficulty in surviving into adulthood, but you can still purchase a double tail betta fish from most pet stores.

Even though double tail betta fish likely wouldn’t be able to make it in the wild, but careful breeding means there are many of them in the market.

How long do double tail betta fish live?

Double tail betta fish can live up to 2-4 years. The length of your Double tail betta fish life is directly proportional to the environment they are staying in. If you maintain a clean tank and keep an eye on their diet, then you can definitely help them live a longer and healthy 


How do you take care of a double tail male betta fish?

Double tail male betta care is very important and this is how you can keep them happy and healthy in your tank

  1. Feed your Double tail male betta fish once or twice per day. 
  2. Test the water quality of your tank with test strips or a test kit.
  3. Check the filter to ensure it's running properly.

Double tail Betta fish price

Double tail betta fish can be found in many pet stores for the price between $8 to $20. Some colors and patterns on their body are rare so they will cost more according to the type of Double tail betta fish.

How to Take Care of Double Tail Betta fish

If the tank setup is not proper or accurate then it might result in poor health of Double tail betta fish. You must have the proper tank for them so they can stay healthy and happy in your tank.

Water Temperature and pH levels

Double tail betta fish natural habitat is tropical waters so they need nice warm water in their aquarium. The temperature of their tank should be kept between the range 74 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH level should be maintained between 6.5 to 7.5.

Tank size

The minimum tank size actually depends on the number of double tail betta fish you are having. If you just have one Double tail betta fish, then a small 10-gallon tank is sufficient. But if you have more double tail betta fish, then you will need more space for them. The golden rule is to have at least one gallon for every inch of fish you are planning to keep in your tank. 

Plants in tank

Double tail Betta fish loves to hide so you must add plants in your home tank. Since they are carnivores, they don't like to eat plants so they are easily gonna hide in them when they feel unsafe. 

Double Tail Betta fish diet

Double tail Betta fish are carnivorous so they don't eat plants. They like to eat fish food that has lots of protein in it. Double tail betta fish eat insects and their larvae in the wild so you must make sure that they are getting similar nutritional value in your tank in order to keep them healthy. They like to eat brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia etc and these food fulfil their protein requirements 

Double tail Betta fish breeding

It is not at all recommended that you breed Double tail betta fish. They are not supposed to be kept together in one tank. If you keep a male betta and female betta together in your tank, then the male is going to kill the female betta after mating so the best option is to leave betta breeding to the expert aquarists instead of breeding yourself.

Double tail Betta fish are aggressive or peaceful?

Double tail betta fish are more belligerent than single tail betta fish. They tend to be aggressive toward other double tail betta fish, mainly when their food is involved. 

Best Tank mates for Double tail Betta fish

Double tail betta fish is a very calm fish and it can be kept with a huge variety of tank mates which includes tetras, livebearers, catfish, loaches, corydoras, and so much more. You must keep in mind that larger or more truculent tank mates may bully your double tail betta fish if they are similar in coloration.

Do double tail betta fish make good pets?

Double tail Betta fish are very great pets. They are  smaller in size and have beautiful colourful body and they are a great addition to your aquarium.

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